Why Do Customers Choose Us?
https://www.almullaoas.com/OAS/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/OAS-Social-Media-Campaign-Ad-00-Why-Customers-Choose-1024x577.jpg 1024 577 Al Mulla Office Automation Solutions Al Mulla Office Automation Solutions https://www.almullaoas.com/OAS/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/startlogo-100x100.pngAs the market leader and initiator of best industry practices in Kuwait, Al Mulla Office Automation Solutions takes pride in providing its customers the highest quality of services.
- We do not sell boxes of products; rather, we engage long-term with our customers to offer total solutions that are as per their exact requirement, budget and security needs.
- The Company focusses on providing its customers, the best after-sales experience through a team of 62 trained service personnel, who ensure minimal machine down time for our customers.
- 100% availability of spares and consumables.
- System Driven Auto-Complaint Management.
- Corrective actions based on Customer Survey.
For more information about our products and services, please contact us today:
Al Mulla Office Automation Solutions,
Omar Ben Al-Khattab St, Sharq, Kuwait City
Phone: (+965) 1880088
Fax: (+965) 2245 3977
Email: oas@almullagroup.com
Visit us at: www.AlMullaOAS.com
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