Tips To Keep Machines Safe
https://www.almullaoas.com/OAS/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/OAS-20200312-Tips-To-Keep-Machines-Safe-1024x1024.jpg 1024 1024 Al Mulla Office Automation Solutions Al Mulla Office Automation Solutions https://www.almullaoas.com/OAS/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/startlogo-100x100.pngDear Valued Customer,
Tips to store your Multi-Function Printer (MFP)/ Copier/ Scanner/ Production Printing Machines properly during the current lockdown.
• Switch-On the machine every morning, if you can. This will prevent the toner and developer powder from getting clogged or hardened.
• Since the machine is already in sleep mode, the user can turn it off almost immediately after switching it on.
• Place a good cover on the machine if it is not to be used for a long period of time. This will prevent the accumulation of dust and protect it
from water spills of air-conditioning units.
IMPORTANT: If the machine was running, after switching it off please wait minimum 10 minutes for the machine to cool before placing the cover.
T: 1880088 | E: oas@almullagroup.com | W: www.AlMullaOAS.com
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