KOMI Doc DMS operates to help in securing your data concretely
https://www.almullaoas.com/OAS/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/KomiDoc-1024x467.jpg 1024 467 Al Mulla Office Automation Solutions Al Mulla Office Automation Solutions https://www.almullaoas.com/OAS/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/startlogo-100x100.pngSmall and Medium Business (SMB) enterprises are undergoing an increase in cyber-attacks in the last years. Indeed, 43% of them aim small businesses, which can have serious and multiple consequences. Among those cyber attacks, some are targeting documents and content, compromising sensitive business information. Therefore, business owners must put their data security as the top priority in their digital transformation project. KOMI Doc, thanks to its advanced and multi-layered security architecture, is the perfect solution to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your customers’ data as well as it limits the impact of cyber attacks.
To find out more about KOMI Doc Document Management Solution (DMS), by Konica Minolta please visit www.try-komidoc.com
For queries about Konica Minolta products and solutions in Kuwait, please contact:
Al Mulla Office Automation Solutions
T: (+965) 1880088 | E: info.oas@almullagroup.com
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