https://www.almullaoas.com/OAS/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/OAS-NEWS-20200310-GLORY-HARDWARE-1024x1024.jpg 1024 1024 Al Mulla Office Automation Solutions Al Mulla Office Automation Solutions https://www.almullaoas.com/OAS/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/startlogo-100x100.pngThe Covid-19 virus is presenting unique challenges to our customers. With this in mind we have prepared this guidance on how to keep your devices clean.
Plastic surfaces, including note/coin and card inlets and outlets, should only be cleaned with a neutral detergent, such as a dish-washing soap, and water, first applied to a microfibre or other soft cloth. Touchscreens, screens, and metal surfaces which are most touched by customers and staff, can be cleaned by disinfecting with 70% alcohol wipes.
Acids and alkaline cleaners, bleach and ethyl alcohol should never be used to clean Glory products.
• Apply cleaning agents to a microfibre cloth then wipe the surfaces of the unit.
• Dispose of cloths after use.
• Wash your hands after cleaning Glory products.
• Spray aerosol cleaners directly onto the surfaces or into Glory products.
• Spray any cleaning agents directly onto the surfaces or into Glory products.
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